Key Question : Is gun violence a problem in the US ?


correction :


What is the Gun Violence Archive, and how does it define a mass shooting?


How many mass shootings have there been in the US so far this year, and what is the average number of mass shootings per day over the last three years?


What was the deadliest mass shooting in US history, and how many people were killed or wounded in that incident?


What percentage of gun-related deaths in 2021 were suicides, according to the CDC?


What percentage of Americans surveyed by Gallup said they wanted stricter gun laws, and how has this changed over time?


Which political party tends to support stricter gun laws, according to Gallup polling?


Have any states taken steps to ban or regulate ownership of assault weapons?


Une base de données montre qu'il y a eu plus de fusillades de masse que de jours en 2023

Les États-Unis ont connu 484 fusillades de masse depuis le début de l'année.

Par Kiara Alfonseca

4 septembre 2023, 16h24

Jusqu'à présent, cinq fusillades de masse ont eu lieu aux États-Unis au cours des quatre premiers jours de septembre.

Les États-Unis ont connu au moins 484 fusillades de masse depuis le début de l'année, selon les archives sur la violence armée (Gun Violence Archive). Cela représente en moyenne près de deux fusillades de masse par jour.

Les fusillades de masse sont définies comme un incident au cours duquel au moins quatre victimes sont abattues ou tuées, selon les archives.

Bien que les fusillades de masse ne constituent pas la majorité des incidents de violence armée en Amérique, leur impact sur les communautés et les victimes est évident.

Des incidents tels que les fusillades de Dallas, de Nashville (Tennessee), de Buffalo (New York) et d'Uvalde (Texas) continuent d'endeuiller les villes et de susciter des appels répétés en faveur d'une réforme des armes à feu.

Les archives sur la violence armée ont recensé environ 645 fusillades de masse en 2022 et 690 en 2021.

À la même époque l'année dernière, le pays avait connu 455 fusillades de masse.

correction :

A firearm/a gun : une arme à feu 

A handgun : une arme de poing 

A revolver : un revolver
A pistol : un pistolet

A shotgun : un fusil de chasse
A semi-automatic rifle : un fusil semi-automatique
An assault rifle/an assault weapon : Un fusil d’assaut
Ammunition : des munitions
A bullet : une balle
A cartridge : une cartouche
A gun-owner : un propriétaire d’arme à feu
A gun enthusiast : un passionné d’armes à feu
A rifle range, a shooting range : un champ de tir, un stand de tir
To bear, to carry, to wear a gun : porter une arme
Gun sales : les ventes d’armes à feu
A gun permit, a gun licence : un permis de port d’arme
To take the law into one’s own hands : se faire justice
To act in self-defense : agir en état de légitime défense
A vigilante : un membre d’un groupe d’autodéfense
A hot-button issue : un problème sensible, qui suscite de vives réactions
The gun lobby : le lobby des armes à feu
Second Amendment rights : les droits relatifs au port d'armes (garanti par la Constitution) The right to carry/bear arms : le droit de porter une arme
Gun-rights activists : les défenseurs du droit de porter des armes
A gun maker/a gun manufacturer : un fabricant d’armes
Gun control : la réglementation du port d’arme
To restrict access to guns : limiter l’accès aux armes à feu
A background check : un contrôle des antécédents
To register a gun : déclarer une arme
A criminal record : un casier judiciaire
To outlaw/to ban guns : interdire les armes à feu
To shoot (sb) : Tirer (sur qqn)
To shoot sb dead : Abattre qqn
The shooting of a policeman : Le meurtre d’un policier
A shoot-out/a shooting : une fusillade
A gunshot / Gunfire : un coup de feu / des coups de feu
To commit suicide / to kill oneself / to take one’s own life: se suicider / se donner la mort He turned the gun on himself : Il a retourné l’arme contre lui-même
The death toll : le nombre de victimes
To slaughter sb : tuer qqn sauvagement
A slaughter/a massacre / a bloodbath : Un massacre / un bain de sang
To be trigger happy : avoir la gâchette facile

From cahier de

Typical debate script  

1 mn de temps de parole / personne


Welcoming The Audience

Stating The Issue

Phrases To Present The Most Important Point

Conceding An Argument

Sequencing A List Of Arguments

Adding An Argument To Strengthen Your Point


Grille évaluation Chap 2 FT Debate 1ere.pdf

 Can You Fill in the Blanks?

shooting (3), rifle, lobbying, handguns, politicians, measures, restrictions, constitutional, republicans, mass, unrealistic, carry, banned, aligned, license, democrat, health, standard, strikes, lawmakers

Speaking in the state where a deadly elementary school _____(1) left 19 children and two teachers dead this week, former President Donald Trump backed up Republican calls to resist new gun _____(2) and instead called for increased mental _____(3) services and school security _____(4).

Trump spoke Friday at a National _____(5) Association convention in Houston after the _____(6) in Uvalde renewed attention on the nation’s gun laws. He opened the speech with a moment of silence and recognition of the tragedy, calling it a “heinous massacre” that was “horrible” to see, watch and hear about. He said the nation needed to unite around the path forward but chastised Democrats for advancing an “extreme political agenda.”

“Now is the time to find common ground,” Trump said. “Sadly, before the sun had even set on the horrible day of tragedy, we witnessed a now familiar parade of cynical _____(7) seeking to exploit the tears of sobbing families to increase their own power and take away our _____(8) rights.”

The Secret Service _____(9) guns from the hall during Trump's address.

The NRA has spent more than $2 million on _____(10) politicians in the Texas Legislature, which is more than in any other state, according to The Dallas Morning News. Texas _____(11) have already shown significant resistance to such legislation in the wake of this week’s shooting.

The state’s top _____(12), including Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick, expressed openness to slight restrictions in the immediate wake of mass shootings in 2018 and 2019, only to drop those ideas later. In 2021, during the first legislative session after a _____(13) _____(14) in El Paso left 23 dead, the Texas Legislature passed a permitless _____(15) law that allows for individuals to carry _____(16) without a _____(17) or training.

“We need to drastically change our approach to mental health,” Trump said. “All of us must unite, Republican and _____(18), in every state and at every level of government to finally harden our schools and protect our children. What we need now is a top-to-bottom security overhaul at schools all across our country.”

As part of that overhaul, Trump said buildings should have a “single” point of entry, strong fencing and metal detectors. Every school also needs armed officers, and trained teachers should carry concealed weapons, he added.

Trump’s suggestion that school buildings should have just one entrance echoes calls from U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz earlier this week. School and safety experts say that such a measure is _____(19), as many schools have thousands of individuals who could take hours to go in and out of buildings. As a result, a single entrance could also pose a fire hazard. Older schools would also need to spend significant money renovating their buildings to meet such a _____(20).

Trump _____(21) with many Republicans who have insisted that responsible gun ownership is the best defense to a dangerous individual with a firearm. “In the absence of a member of law enforcement, there is no one you would rather have nearby when a crisis _____(22) than an armed expertly trained member of the NRA,” Trump said.

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